Thursday, January 8, 2009

Something Incredible

One of my favorite lines from The Incredibles occurs when Mr. Incredible, exhausted from another long day of being asked to trick people out of their well-deserved money at an insurance company, returns home to see a neighbor child sitting on his Big Wheel at the end of the driveway. In a tired voice, Mr. Incredible asks him, "What are you waiting for?" The child replies, candidly, innocently, "I don't know, something amazing I guess." Aren't we all? I love that he asks not what the child is looking at, the obvious question, almost a cliche in our somewhat cynical and paranoid society: "What're you looking at?" No, he asks him what he is waiting for. Why sit and wait for events out of your control to amaze you? Why have faith that you will be amazed? I don't have an answer for that. But I know that child wanted to be amazed and knew that something out there could make it happen. So he waited, hoping, as we all do, that it might happen today. 

Another day, sitting at the end of the driveway, waiting for something to amaze him. And in the end, it did: The fake superhero's cape becomes trapped in the plane as the mutating super-baby changes form, causes the plane to explode, and the family drops slowly to safety thanks to stretchy Elasti-Girl. Not my dream, but perhaps it is yours. It was that step that allowed superheroes to once again be a part of society, to promote optimism and humanity instead of cynicism and greed. That's more like it. What recipe inspired this musing? None in particular. I was thinking about doughnuts and this is what I came up with. You can make the connections. I'll go make some doughnuts.

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